React Context vs Redux

React Context API
Count: 1
  1. Good for small projects
  2. Re-renders the entire application because of the state is defined in the main(App) component. This can be fixed with the help of React.memo
  3. Good for read not for write.
  4. Super easy to setup.
I am Memoized Context Component
Redux (Redux toolkit)
Count: 1
  1. Perfect for big projects
  2. Re-renders only the subscribed component so its children. Children re-rendering can be fixed with the help of React.memo
  3. Work Flow : UI(Action Dispatched) -> Reducers (Calculating New State) -> State(Set New State) -> UI(Update UI) -> Cycle Repeat
  4. States (store) is defined seperately and not inside the main(App) component
  5. Lots of boilerplate
  6. PubSub Based
I am Memoized Redux Component